Level 2 Community Activator Coach

Level 2 Community Activator Coach

Level 2 Community Activator Coach




EPA delivery method: Live face-to-face assessment


The role of a community activator coach is to play a key role in communities, improving the health and wellbeing of the nation. It involves providing a positive environment that supports people – especially the young – to grow and develop through sport and physical activity. The community activator coach promotes and delivers fun, inclusive and engaging activities designed to help everyone.


Active IQ consistently strives to offer a high-quality service for our EPA provision, to help you stand out with employers and apprentices for the best end-point assessment experience.


Find the full EPA details for Level 2 Community Activator Coach here.


For further help or information, contact our dedicated, highly responsive EPA team on 01480 467 950 option 2 or email: [email protected]