Level 2 Leisure Team Member
EPA delivery method: Live face-to-face assessment
The role of a leisure team member is to support, enhance and deliver the day-to-day operations and services of a leisure or fitness facility. Working as part of a team, the leisure team member carries out a range of operational duties such as assisting with the opening and closing of the facility, undertaking routine maintenance of equipment, and maintaining the cleanliness and safety of the environment. The leisure team member therefore plays a vital role in promoting a positive customer experience.
Active IQ consistently strives to offer a high-quality service for our EPA provision, to help you stand out with employers and apprentices for the best end-point assessment experience.
Find the full EPA details for Level 2 Leisure Team Member here.
For further help or information, contact our dedicated, highly responsive EPA team on 01480 467 950 option 2 or email: [email protected]