Active IQ is an Ofqual-recognised awarding organisation and its qualifications are delivered by approved centres. An approved centre can operate from a single site, or from a group of satellite sites, in the UK or overseas.
In order to achieve Active IQ approval, a centre must evidence that it:
- Can ensure that learners will have equality of opportunity, be well supported and have a positive learning experience.
- Has an appropriate number of staff that are technically and occupationally competent, and knowledgeable and experienced in teaching/assessment/internal quality assurance best practice.
- Will provide stimulating learning environments that adhere to relevant legislation.
In order to ensure that Active IQ’s high standards and expectations are met and maintained, each recognised centre is supported by an external verifier.
For further information on becoming a recognised centre, please email Active IQ’s Approvals Team via or call +44(0) 1480 467950.