Quality Charter: Upholding Excellence Together

Quality Charter: Upholding Excellence Together

At Active IQ, quality is at the heart of everything we do, and we strive to lead the industry in setting standards for excellence. In 2025, we’re taking the next step to recognise not only our commitment to quality but also the incredible work and dedication you provide to your learners.


We are proud to introduce the new Active IQ Quality Charter*. This charter defines our core values and sets the mandatory professional and ethical standards required for all individuals and organisations involved in delivering Active IQ qualifications.


What does this mean for you?

Quality Charter logo


  • Centre Owners & Contacts: Your commitment to these principles is vital to maintaining approval. You’ll be required to sign adherence to the charter.
  • Centre Staff: All staff involved in delivery, assessment, or internal verification must complete and sign the Staff Declaration - this includes new team members as they join.
  • Record Keeping: Signed declarations must be retained by centres and made available for quality assurance audits.


How do I access the Quality Charter and Staff Declarations forms?


Click on the below links to access the forms.



How do I request a Quality Charter badge?


Approved centres can request their Quality Charter badge by contacting us at [email protected]. Once you have your badge, feel free to display it proudly on your website and social media channels. Be sure to tag us in your posts so we can celebrate your commitment to quality together!


For any questions, support, or badge requests, please reach out to your allocated EV or email us at [email protected]


Together, let’s continue upholding the highest standards in education and professional development.



* Please note this is for centres that deliver regulated qualifications.