Active IQ Celebrates 20th Anniversary: Two Decades of Excellence in Qualifications and Learning Solutions

Active IQ Celebrates 20th Anniversary: Two Decades of Excellence in Qualifications and Learning Solutions

Posted on 31 May 2023

Active IQ 20th anniversary logo

Active IQ, the UK’s leading Ofqual-recognised awarding organisation for the physical activity sector, is thrilled to announce its 20th anniversary on Tuesday 27th June 2023.


Over the past two decades, Active IQ has established itself as a trailblazer in the industry, evolving from a single training provider to an expansive network of over 500 partners. With an initial offering of just four qualifications, Active IQ now boasts an impressive portfolio of over 100 qualifications, empowering individuals worldwide to thrive in their chosen fields.


Reflecting on the journey, Jenny Patrickson, Managing Director of Active IQ, stated, "Active IQ started as Premier International Qualifications with only one training provider, and today, we are honoured to have over 500 partners. Our growth has been remarkable, and it is a testament to the dedication and expertise of our team. We are proud to be one of the first awarding organisations specialised in the active leisure sector."


Throughout its 20-year history, Active IQ has adeptly navigated various government qualification frameworks, demonstrating agility and commitment to meeting the ever-changing regulatory requirements. From the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) to the current Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), Active IQ has continuously adapted its qualifications to align with the evolving standards.


Patrickson further emphasised, "Adapting to each new government framework and engaging in qualification reform projects has been an integral part of our journey. We understand the importance of staying current and relevant, which is why we have consistently invested significant efforts behind the scenes to meet the needs of the sector and regulatory requirements."


In 2017, Active IQ entered the world of apprenticeship End-point Assessment (EPA) as the government launched new apprenticeship standards, allowing the organisation to diversify and capitalise on the changing landscape. Since then, the EPA division has experienced tremendous growth, becoming a robust and integral part of Active IQ's operations.


Active IQ has also made significant strides in the digital realm, offering a state-of-the-art LMS platform known as the Skills Hub, for eLearning and CPD digital content. Launched in 2018, Skills Hub has garnered an impressive user base, surpassing 20,000 users. By providing valuable support and resources, including eLearning initiatives well before they became popular, Active IQ has consistently set itself apart as an industry leader.


Patrickson highlighted the company's recent focus on expanding its international presence, stating, "In the last two years, we have been increasingly focused on our international offering and markets. We leverage our expertise to support countries that lack an accredited qualification system, with a growing presence in ten different territories. We believe in the value and recognition of UK qualifications worldwide."


Looking ahead to the next 20 years, Active IQ aims to diversify its learning content, incorporating programmes that provide greater flexibility and microlearning experiences. Additionally, the organisation plans to explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in maximising the efficacy of its learning products, while also expanding the range of learning methodologies to cater to diverse learning styles. The company also plans to become carbon neutral by 2024, a key goal outlined in their new Sustainability Strategy announced earlier this year.


Patrickson expressed enthusiasm about Active IQ's future prospects, stating, "We are excited about the opportunities presented by our recent acquisition by NCFE. By leveraging the synergies between our organisations, we will explore new avenues for growth and further enhance our value proposition."


However, Active IQ acknowledges the challenges ahead, including the post-COVID recovery of the leisure sector, the cost-of-living crisis, and the need to attract new talent while upholding quality standards. The organisation is committed to working together with industry stakeholders to combat the reputation challenges associated with digital learning and raise the bar for quality provision.


"Active IQ's success lies in the unwavering commitment of our small yet highly dedicated team of industry specialists. With a focus on understanding the sector's needs, building connections, and being present where it matters, we have consistently differentiated ourselves. Our numerous awards and recognition are a testament to the outstanding job we do," said Patrickson.


Active IQ's achievements include winning the prestigious Supplier of the Year award at the ukactive Flame Awards in 2017, underscoring its commitment to excellence and industry leadership.