eLearning FAQs

eLearning FAQs

Welcome to our eLearning FAQs page that will answer various questions about our eLearning offer at Active IQ.


If you are struggling to find the answers you are looking for, be sure to contact us so we can offer some friendly advice.

How much do the courses cost?

You can view all costs on the Active IQ Fees List.

Can the learner enrol themselves on a course?

No, Active IQ must enrol every learner onto the specified course. The learner is registered by the tutor or an Active IQ staff member who will send the user details to the required email addresses.

How do I go about offering eLearning courses?

To offer our eLearning in conjunction with qualifications, you will need to become an Active IQ approved centre. If you are an employer wishing to deliver our eLearning as CPD, please contact [email protected] for more information.

How do I register students for eLearning courses?

Please contact [email protected]

I am a student, how do I access the course once enrolled?

You should receive an automated email once you’ve been enrolled containing your log in details. However, if have any problems, please contact either your training provider or [email protected]

Are there any specific requirements needed to view the eLearning content?

You will need to ensure your computer is able to play sound as some of the videos include audio.

Can I use this content away from the platform/is it downloadable?

No, it can only be viewed/used on the Active IQ learning management system.