We are Active IQ, one of the UK’s leading awarding organisations for the active leisure and wellbeing sector.
Active IQ is committed to providing vocational active leisure qualifications that are fit for purpose, dynamic and supported by innovative resources.
We are recognised and regulated by Ofqual, Qualifications Wales and CCEA and we design wellbeing, health and fitness and active leisure qualifications that support clearly defined career pathways.
Within the Active IQ team there is a vast wealth of industry and educational experience, alongside the technical and vocational knowledge and expertise to ensure that the qualifications we develop meet the needs of the sector and its employees. For further information regarding our regulated qualifications, please contact us.
We design, quality assure and award a wide range of qualifications from entry level through to Level 5 on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) in addition to a broad suite of other products and services, including eLearning, manuals, apprenticeship end-point assessment, and professional recognition services.
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