Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

It is in the joint interests of Active IQ and its approved centres to ensure the management, delivery and assessment of our qualifications are of the highest quality so that both parties meet their regulatory requirements, but more importantly, your learners benefit from an excellent learning experience.


Please use the drop-down menu below to view and download our policies and procedures.

In summary, Active IQ expects its centres to fulfil the following responsibilities:


  • Comply with the terms of approval as set out in Active IQ’s Centre Approval Application Form and its overarching terms and conditions signed at point of approval.
  • Commit to, promote and uphold all aspects of the Code of Ethical Conduct signed at point of approval.
  • Deliver Active IQ qualifications in accordance with the requirements set out in the associated specifications.
  • Ensure that all tutors, assessors and internal quality assurance staff (internal verifiers) are able to fulfil their roles as expected and outlined in Active IQ’s policies.
  • Raise any queries or concerns regarding the quality of delivery, assessment or their responsibilities with their allocated external verifier.
  • Develop and maintain appropriate quality management systems of control, such as robust internal verification strategies and activities, and comprehensive records tracking ongoing learner achievement.


Whilst the delivery of Active IQ qualifications is undertaken by the approved centre, Active IQ supports centres in the following ways:


  • Specifying the qualifications and experience centre staff must hold relating to their defined roles.
  • Holding various centre events for example, meetings, webinars and eClinics throughout the year to support the delivery, assessment and internal quality assurance of Active IQ qualifications.
  • Comprehensive teaching and learning resources to support qualifications.
  • Providing regular advice and support from the external verifier.


Active IQ’s exemplar policies – important information


Please note that Active IQ's exemplar policies have been drafted as a guide to assist centres with the development of their own internal policies. They are not Active IQ’s own awarding organisation policies. As they are only exemplars, please ensure they are tailored to your own organisation’s needs and requirements so that they can be implemented and maintained appropriately.